Vintage calligraphy kit for fun

Kit for getting started in calligraphy

Large capacity vintage PU leather pencil case
in a roll of treasure map size 205 x 300 mm
Made of feathers dyed with natural pigments
Two Brause nib holders + nib of your choice
Trimmed feather Historical (early middle ages)
A set of 3 different sized bamboo squids
The second game in the photos is in demonstration.
Optional artisanal walnut husk ink made in Montcuq

Unleash your creativity and take it to the next level with our vintage calligraphy kit for fun! This calligraphy set comes in a large capacity vintage PU leather case, wrapped in a treasure map scroll, and measures 205 x 300mm. The kit includes feathers dyed with natural pigments, two feather holders (Brause + feather of your choice), a trimmed feather from the early Middle Ages and a set of 3 bamboo calames of different sizes. Prepare to be excited and amazed as you explore the magnificent art of calligraphy with our vintage kit. Perfect for beginners or experienced calligraphers looking for new inspiration. Order now and increase your creativity!


Artisanal walnut husk ink made in Montcuq