SESHAT la boutique de la plume à l'enluminure

SESHAT the shop from pen to illumination

If you are passionate about art and medieval history, then the “SESHAT from pen to illumination” exhibition is for you. Seshat offers you Calligraphy and Illumination workshops for your medieval...
SESHAT de la plume à l'Enluminure en exposition à Lautrec dans le Tarn

SESHAT from the pen to the Illumination on exhibition at Lautrec in Tarn

If you are passionate about art and medieval history, then the “SESHAT from pen to illumination” exhibition is for you. It is currently held in the medieval village of Lautrec...
Daniel dans la fosse aux lions

Daniel in the lion's den

This illumination is a reproduction of folio no. 2 (verso) of a manuscript from the abbey of Cîteaux, dated from the 1st third of the 12th century and entitled “Commentary...
Idées de cadeaux originaux

Original gift ideas

Christmas holidays, birthday gifts, wedding gifts, communion gifts, birth gifts, Mother's Day, Grandmother's Day... there is no shortage of opportunities to please your loved ones! Are you looking for a gift...
Le livre de Kells

The Book of Kells

Created around the year 800 AD, the Book of Kells – which depicts the 4 gospels of the New Testament – ​​is undoubtedly the major work of island illumination and...
Bible d’Arnstein

Arnstein Bible

The Arnstein Bible takes its name from the abbey where it was made (in the northwest of Germany), and whose history dates back to the second half of the 11th century....
Lindisfarne, l’art insulaire de l’enluminure

Lindisfarne, the island art of illumination

Like the Book of Kells , the Lindisfarne Gospel Book is one of the most beautiful illuminated manuscripts of the early Middle Ages. It was made at the monastery of Lindisfarne...
La vie des femmes au Moyen Âge à travers l'enluminure

The lives of women in the Middle Ages through illumination

This short video from the University of Sherbrooke (Canada) addresses the social and religious representation of women through the art of illumination. Through the richness of their illuminations, the manuscripts...