Who am I ?

Professional illuminator, continually in training, I invite you to discover my activity, I highlight the know-how of medieval artisans.

SESHAT from the pen to the Illumination is created in 2022, by Rolie BIDAS with the desire to to discover and promote his work, by highlighting the know-how of the art artisans of the Middle Ages.

The lack of knowledge by the general public does not differentiate certain painting techniques and very often compares it to watercolor.

Rolie, attempts through his courses and workshops, to explain with the help of history, Illumination and Calligraphy, using medieval techniques and recipes.

Sharing, transmitting, promoting illumination and medieval calligraphy, for all audiences and ages six and up.

What will I see?

You will be presented with the different facets of this often little-known art, the manipulation of tools such as parchment, pigments and gold leaf. Several of my works are exhibited in my shop/workshop and you will be able to follow the evolution of the latest creations.

We talk about SESHAT Enluminure in Moissac in the Dépêche du midi sud ouest.

Rolie Bidas amazes us with each new creation, with her surgeon's hands each new work delights her clients. These unique and made-to-order works are exported throughout the world.

First exhibition of Art Creators in Moissac

It was under the Paris hall that the first exhibition was held for three days art creators organized by Antares- Moissac.

As soon as we entered the room, we were struck by this incredible pool of artistic practices and fields (from sculpture to bookbinding, illumination, ceramics, pottery, leatherwork, weaving, marquetry, cutlery, etc.).

Handpicked artists and craftsmen came from all over the region, including Moissagaises Sandra Armand (binding) and Rolie Bidas (illumination), well known in France.

Find her in Montauban at Pigmalia Paint and Decoration store

North Zone 6 Rue Voltaire on Wednesday morning, by reservation only.